Dissertation Award

The Section for Sociology of the Body and Sports awards a biennial award for outstanding dissertations in the field of the sociology of the body, movement and sports. The award is endowed with a prize money of 500€. It is intended for covering part of the publication costs of the dissertation.

The award is announced one year before the DGS Congress via our newsletter and on our homepage. Section members whose dissertation was evaluated summa cum laude or magna cum laude are eligible to apply. In order to receive the award, the dissertation must either be published by the date of the DGS Congress or a corresponding publishing contract must be presented.

The prize is awarded by a jury. It is formed by the speaker of the section (or the deputy speaker) as well as two external members (one professor and one member of the non-professorial academic staff).

Awarded Dissertations

Year Title Awardee
2022 Fehlgeburt und Stillgeburt. Eine Kultursoziologie der Verlusterfahrung. (BELTZ 2022) Dr. Julia Böcker
2020 Intersexualität im Sport. Mediale und medizinische Körperpolitiken. (Transcript 2020) Dr. Dennis Krämer
2018 Autopornografie. Eine Autoethnografie mediatisierter Körper. (De Gruyter 2019) Dr. Tobias Boll
2016 Mitspielfähigkeit. Sportliches Training als formative Praxis. (transcript 2015) Dr. Kristina Brümmer
2014 Die Ultraschallsprechstunde. Eine Ethnografie pränataldiagnostischer Situationen. (transcript 2014) Dr. Birgit Heimerl
2012 Körper Gabe. Ambivalente Ökonomien der Organspende. (transcript 2012) Dr. Mona Motakef