Call for Papers

Call for Papers

Training, education and the labour market

Deadline: June 30th, 2024

Interdisciplinary Workshop: 16 - 17 October 2024, Institute for Employment Research (IAB)


›Gegenwart und Krise‹

Deadline: 26. Mai 2024

Workshop, 19./20. Juli – a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne


Immigration and Families: Examining the Causes, Processes, and Consequences of Migration

Deadline: September 15th, 2024

Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research, a series which focuses upon cutting-edge topics in family research around the globe, is seeking manuscript submissions for a special volume. The theme of the volume is: ›Immigration and Families: Examining the Causes, Processes, and Consequences of Migration.‹


›Gesellschaftliche Transformation und industrielle Beziehungen‹

Deadline: 31. Mai 2024

Call for Papers für die GIRA-Jahrestagung 2024 an der Freien Universität Berlin am 10. und 11. Oktober 2024



Deadline: 02. Januar 2025

Call for Papers, PERIPHERIE, Ausgabe 178 (erscheint im Sommer 2025)


Gelebte Utopien – alternative Zukunftsvorstellungen und Entwicklungsentwürfe

Deadline: 26. August 2024

Call for Papers, PERIPHERIE, Ausgabe 177 (erscheint im Frühjahr 2025)


Thematic Sections

Accepting proposals from July 1 2023 on

International Sociology invites scholars to a special call for: Thematic Sections. The Thematic Section consists of three or four articles around a specific topic from an international comparative perspective that will be part of future issues of the journal.


Doppelte Kontingenz? Vulnerabilität und Adoleszenz im Zeitalter multipler Krisen

Deadline: 05. Januar 2023

Workshop Session, Schweizer Kongress für Soziologie 2024 in Zürich, September 9-11, 2024
