
Social Network Analysis with Digital Behavioral Data - Dr. Haiko Lietz

Alle Vorträge sind in englischer Sprache und finden jeweils donnerstags zwischen 13 und 14 Uhr via Zoom statt. Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei, eine Registrierung ist erforderlich. 

Ausführliche Informationen zu den einzelnen Vorträgen und der Reihe finden Sie auf der GESIS Website, direkt zur Registrierung geht es hier

  • 04.11.2021, 13-14 Uhr, Introduction to Text Mining - Dr. Armin Bleier  
  • 25.11.2021, 13-14 Uhr, Social Network Analysis with Digital Behavioral Data - Dr. Haiko Lietz 
  • 02.12.2021, 13-14 Uhr, Altmetrics – Analyzing Academic Communications from Social Media Data - Olga Zagovora und Dr. Katrin Weller 
  • 16.12.2021, 13-14 Uhr, Online Dating: Data Types and Analytical Approaches - PD Dr. Andreas Schmitz 
  • 20.01.2022, 13-14 Uhr, Political Behavior and Influence Dynamics in Online Networks - N. Gizem Bacaksizlar Turbic, PhD 
  • 27.01.2022, 13-14 Uhr, SocioHub – A Collaboration Platform for the Social Sciences - David Brodesser 

Abstract: Our uses of digital technologies like social media platforms, email, or cell phones leave massive amounts of behavioral traces that are most interesting for social research. Such Digital Behavioral Data (DBD) consists of genuinely relational records. It requires a shift of perspective from persons to micro events as units of observation and brings established techniques like Social Network Analysis to center stage. In this session, I will propose a definition of DBD, characterize it as records of transactions, and discuss its properties in contrast to survey data. Next, I will draw upon empirical examples to describe how Social Network Analysis with DBD can address social dynamics that have traditionally been studied on either the micro or macro level. Social Network Analysis with DBD allows studying identities and social formations as processes. The key for doing so is that transactions are traces of individual behavior that are highly resolved and allow the reconstruction of emerging patterns. I will close with thoughts about methodological challenges and the significance of relational theories for the consolidation of Computational Social Science.

Speaker: Dr. Haiko Lietz is a sociologist with an engineering background. His dissertation at the University of Duisburg Essen is about network theory and analysis of scientific practice (2016). He is a post-doc researcher at the Computational Social Science department at GESIS. His research interests are in analytical and relational sociology and complex systems approaches.


GESIS Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften


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