
Altmetrics – Analyzing Academic Communications from Social Media Data - Olga Zagovora und Dr. Katrin Weller

Alle Vorträge sind in englischer Sprache und finden jeweils donnerstags zwischen 13 und 14 Uhr via Zoom statt. Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei, eine Registrierung ist erforderlich. 

Ausführliche Informationen zu den einzelnen Vorträgen und der Reihe finden Sie auf der GESIS Website, direkt zur Registrierung geht es hier

  • 04.11.2021, 13-14 Uhr, Introduction to Text Mining - Dr. Armin Bleier  
  • 25.11.2021, 13-14 Uhr, Social Network Analysis with Digital Behavioral Data - Dr. Haiko Lietz 
  • 02.12.2021, 13-14 Uhr, Altmetrics – Analyzing Academic Communications from Social Media Data - Olga Zagovora und Dr. Katrin Weller 
  • 16.12.2021, 13-14 Uhr, Online Dating: Data Types and Analytical Approaches - PD Dr. Andreas Schmitz 
  • 20.01.2022, 13-14 Uhr, Political Behavior and Influence Dynamics in Online Networks - N. Gizem Bacaksizlar Turbic, PhD 
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Abstract: Citation indexes have been used during the last years as an instrument to measure the scientific success of researchers. Although, they have been criticized for not showing immediate impact and for not being suited to assess the impact of non-traditional contents, like survey and research data or computer software and tools. Therefore, alternative metrics (altmetrics) to measure scientific impact and success are being explored. These new measures are often based on online news media, reference managers, and social media networks, including social bookmarking systems.

The presentation will shed light on existing aggregators of altmetrics from social media data and how these indicators can be used. Additionally, we will showcase some of the possibilities of indicators collected from Wikipedia and YouTube, as well as the challenges that occur with the data collection and interpretation.

Speakers: Olga Zagovora is a doctoral candidate at the Computational Social Science department at GESIS. Prior to joining GESIS, she studied computer science, web and data science. Her research focuses on the evaluation of alternative metrics for measuring scholarly communication and scientific impact. She has experience working with big data for social science research.
Dr. Katrin Weller leads the team Digital Society Observatory and is deputy head of the Computational Social Science department at GESIS. She holds a PhD in information science and is interested in understanding scientific communication structures in online environments. Her work also questions data archiving and sharing surrounding social media data. She was Digital Studies Fellow at the US Library of Congress.


GESIS Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften


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