
SocioHub – A Collaboration Platform for the Social Sciences - David Brodesser

Alle Vorträge sind in englischer Sprache und finden jeweils donnerstags zwischen 13 und 14 Uhr via Zoom statt. Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei, eine Registrierung ist erforderlich. 

Ausführliche Informationen zu den einzelnen Vorträgen und der Reihe finden Sie auf der GESIS Website, direkt zur Registrierung geht es hier

  • 04.11.2021, 13-14 Uhr, Introduction to Text Mining - Dr. Armin Bleier  
  • 25.11.2021, 13-14 Uhr, Social Network Analysis with Digital Behavioral Data - Dr. Haiko Lietz 
  • 02.12.2021, 13-14 Uhr, Altmetrics – Analyzing Academic Communications from Social Media Data - Olga Zagovora und Dr. Katrin Weller 
  • 16.12.2021, 13-14 Uhr, Online Dating: Data Types and Analytical Approaches - PD Dr. Andreas Schmitz 
  • 20.01.2022, 13-14 Uhr, Political Behavior and Influence Dynamics in Online Networks - N. Gizem Bacaksizlar Turbic, PhD 
  • 27.01.2022, 13-14 Uhr, SocioHub – A Collaboration Platform for the Social Sciences - David Brodesser 

Abstract: SocioHub is a web portal for sociology that (1) allows users to search for literature, research data, researchers, and research groups, and (2) improves communication between researchers and within research groups through a collaborative network. Users can create profiles that include their scholarly accomplishments. Research groups (and projects) can use various tools for internal collaboration and also use their group page as their website.

This talk will demonstrate the possibilities for researchers and research groups through a live tour. Researchers who want to use SocioHub for themselves or for their research groups and projects are invited to participate interactively with feedback and questions. Furthermore, our team will be available for further consultation appointments for participants.

SocioHub is a joint project of the University and City Library of Cologne (USB) and GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences and has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) since July 2016.

Speaker: David Brodesser is a product manager at the ›Knowledge Technologies for the Social Sciences‹ department at GESIS. His focus is on agile and user centered development processes for software services.


GESIS Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften


virtuell | Zoom

