Tagungen / Kongresse


Political Behavior and Influence Dynamics in Online Network - N. Gizem Bacaksizlar Turbic, PhD

Alle Vorträge sind in englischer Sprache und finden jeweils donnerstags zwischen 13 und 14 Uhr via Zoom statt. Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei, eine Registrierung ist erforderlich. 

Ausführliche Informationen zu den einzelnen Vorträgen und der Reihe finden Sie auf der GESIS Website, direkt zur Registrierung geht es hier

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  • 20.01.2022, 13-14 Uhr, Political Behavior and Influence Dynamics in Online Networks - N. Gizem Bacaksizlar Turbic, PhD 
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Abstract: This talk will present two recent projects studying political behavior and influence dynamics in online networks. The first project studies anger contagion in protest networks on Twitter. Large political protests in the real-world are often reflected in numerous discussions on social media platforms. The stated research questions are what makes the anger persist (or not) during protests and what is the role of updating strategies and network positions of different users. This project examines the influence dynamics in online social networks and the distribution of anger during protests in Charlotte, North Carolina (2016) and Charlottesville, Virginia (2017) by extracting mention and retweet networks of users tweeting during these protests, and conducting emotion analysis on tweets to determine the anger level of the users. This research has the potential to help understand influence dynamics in protest-related discussions and provide insights for public policy implications.

The second project studies the dynamics of commenters› networks across time and political spectrum. Millions of people comment daily on current events on a variety of platforms ranging from diverse social media to the news sites themselves. Reading others‹ comments can shape one’s own opinions about the story, its author, and the media outlet and help spread opinions and claims which counter the mainstream narrative. Here the social network of commenters on four well-known U.S. news sites that span the political spectrum from left to right is investigated. This research can reveal whether discussions are influenced by relatively few commenters, or whether they are shaped by many different commenters and thus more in line with Habermasian ideal of public discourse.

Speaker: N. Gizem Bacaksizlar Turbic is a postdoctoral researcher at the Computational Social Science department at GESIS. She earned her Ph.D. in Software and Information Systems with a specialization in complex systems from the College of Computing and Informatics at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her research interests are network science, natural language processing, system dynamics, and agent-based modeling.


GESIS Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften


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