
Youth – Education – Work (JuBilA) How space and origin structure integration into education and work

Deadline: December 16th, 2022

Educational and occupational opportunities are unequally distributed both according to space and origin: For youth, opportunities for access and participation in the educational system as well as successful transitions from school to vocational education and training (VET) or study to work continue to depend on their respective spatial location, the locational distribution of educational and occupational opportunities in geographic space, and their individual social, regional, and immigration-related/ethnic origin. The spring conference aims to thematically elaborate on the aspects of space and origin that are significant in structuring the educational and vocational integration of youth. The aim is to present current research results on the significance, analysis, interrelationship, and interaction of space and origin (as well as other social dimensions) for the educational and vocational integration of adolescents and young adults, and to stimulate new discussions on the importance of space and origin for educational and vocational opportunities of youth.

Submission of abstracts

Paper and poster sessions
We are looking for quantitive or/and qualitative empirical submissions on the outlined or related topics. The proposals can also refer to international comparative analyses within the framework of the outlined topics.

A maximum of one proposal per person can be submitted as first author of a presentation or a poster. Participation as a co-author is possible for several conference contributions. Deadline for submission of proposals is December 16th, 2022.

Please submit a proposal of 600-800 words (not including references) to ConfTool. The abstract should include a clear research question and objectives, information on the theoretical background (in the case of quantitative work, research guiding assumptions or hypotheses in particular), information on the empirical or methodological approach, and the central (expected) results. The submitted abstracts will be reviewed in a peer review process (double blind) according to the following criteria: Completeness and comprehensibility, coherence and plausibility to the theoretical framework, clear presentation of the research question and method, quality of the methodological setup, quality of the data obtained and the analysis. Proposals can be written in German or English, whereby the language of the synopsis should correspond to the language of the respective presentation or poster.

You will be informed about the decision on the acceptance of the contributions by 27.01.2022. The registration of all contributors and guests will be done in ConfTool by 20.03.2023.

Presentations will be grouped thematically into sessions.

The submitted posters will be presented and discussed in a poster session. The posters must be printed in DIN A0 and portrait format.

The participation fee will be paid by bank transfer. The account details and further information on registration can be found in ConfTool.