
Qualitative Research on and with New Technologies

Sektionsveranstaltung auf der Midterm Conference 2010 der European Sociological Association, Research Network 20 Qualitative Methods (Rahmenthema: "Innovating Qualitative Research: Challenges and Opportunities. New Directions in Religion, Technology, Migration and Beyond") am 20.-22. September 2010

Dear Colleagues 
We would like to bring your attention to the final programme and the book of abstracts for the First Berlin Forum Innovation in Governance, which can be viewed on our freshly launched website at www.innovation-in-governance.org

The Forum, which will take place under the overall topic "Studying the emergence and development of new forms of governance" is the first in a series of four and will be held on 20 and 21 May 2010 in Berlin. 

If you are interested in joining the Forum, please email Thomas Crowe (crowe(at)ztg.tu-berlin.de)  by 30 April 2010. Please indicate, if you wish to attend Day 1, 20.5.10, only (keynote lectures, poster session and reception)or Day 2, 21.5.10, as well (for the workshop with paper presentations). We will confirm your participation by email by 5 May 2010 at the latest. 

We look forward to seeing you at the First Berlin Forum Innovation in Governance in May! 

With best wishes 

Dr. Jan-Peter Voß 
on behalf of the Innovation in Governance research group 

Head of Innovation in Governance Research Group 
Institute of Sociology (IfS) / Center for Technology and Society (ZTG) 

Technische Universität (TU) Berlin 
Secretariat K 1-1 
Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin, Germany 

fon: +49 (0)30 314-25848/ -28871 
fax: +49 (0)30 314-22654 
Email: jan-peter.voss(at)tu-berlin.de 
URL: www.innovation-in-governance.org