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Sarah Lenz: ›More like a support tool‹: Ambivalences in the digitization of healthcare systems. Institutional logics between market and profession, Big Data and Society, 8 (1) S. 1-13, 2021.
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Beckert, Jens, Jörg Rössel, Patrick Schenk, 2017: "Wine as a Cultural Product: Symbolic Capital and Price Formation in the Wine Field." Sociological Perspectives 60, 206-222.
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Keuschnigg, Marc und Wimmer, Thomas, 2017: "Is Category Spanning Truly Disadvantageous? New Evidence from Primary and Secondary Movie Markets." Social Forces, 96 (1): 449-479. Link
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Frerichs, Sabine 2016: "Unravelling the European Community of Debt" (Introduction to Special Issue). European Law Journal, Vol. 22 (6): 720-742.Link
Frerichs, Sabine und Sankari, Suvi 2016: "Workers No Longer Welcome? Europeanisation of Solidarity in the Wake of Brexit." Socio-Economic Review, 14 (4): 840-845.Link
Frerichs, Sabine 2016: "The Law of Market Society: A Sociology of International Economic Law and Beyond." Finnish Yearbook of International Law 2012/2013, 23: 173-237.
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Keuschnigg, Marc und Wolbring, Tobias, 2016: "The Use of Field Experiments to Study Mechanisms of Discrimination." Analyse und Kritik 38: 179-201.Link
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Langenohl, Andreas, 2016: "Neoklassische Polychronie. Die Temporalitäten algebraischer Modelle bei Alfred Marshall." Forum Interdisziplinäre Begriffsgeschichte, 5(1): 102-114.Link
Lutter, Mark, Schröder, Martin , 2016: "Who Becomes a Tenured Professor, and Why? Panel Data Evidence from German Sociology, 1980-2013." Research Policy, 45 (5): 999-1013. Link
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Sankari, Suvi und Frerichs, Sabine 2016: "From Resource to Burden: Rescaling Solidarity with Strangers in the Single Market." European Law Journal, 22 (6): 806-821.Link
Herzog, Lisa, Lenz, Sarah und Hirschmann, Edgar 2015: Ethische Banken - Nische oder Avantgarde? WestEnd, Neue Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung, 01: 85-95.
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Diaz-Bone, Rainer und Didry, Claude und Salais, Robert 2015: "Conventionalist's perspectives on the political economy of law. An introduction." Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung, 40 (1): 7-22. Link
Diaz Bone, Rainer, Claude Didry und Robert Salais (Hrsg.), 2015: Special Issue: Law and Conventions from a Historical Perspective. Historical Social Research/ Historische Sozialforschung 40 (1). Link
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Jungmann, Robert, Nina Baur und Dzifa Ametowobla (Hrsg.), 2015: Special Issue: Methods of Innovation Research: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches. Historical Social Research/ Historische Sozialforschung, 40 (3). Link
Keuschnigg, Marc, 2015: "Product Success in Cultural Markets: The Mediating Role of Familiarity, Peers, and Experts." Poetics, doi:10.1016/j.poetic.2015.03.003 Link
Keuschnigg, Marc und Wolbring, Tobias, 2015: "Disorder, Social Capital, and Norm Violation: Three Field Experiments on the Broken Windows Thesis." Rationality and Society, 27: 96-126.
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Langenohl, Andreas, 2015: "Collateralized polities: The transformation of trust in sovereign debt in the wake of the Eurozone crisis." Behemoth: A Journal on Civilisation, 8 (1): 67-90.
Lutter, Mark, 2015: "Do Women Suffer from Network Closure? The Moderating Effect of Social Capital on Gender Inequality in a Project-Based Labor Market, 1929 to 2010." American Sociological Review, 80(2): 329-358. Link
Münnich, Sascha, 2015: "Thieves, Fools, Fraudsters, and Gamblers? The Ambivalence of Moral Criticism in the Credit Crunch of 2008". Archives Européennes de Sociologie, 65(1): 93-118. Link
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Diaz-Bone, Rainer, 2014: "Methodological positionings and perspectives: Comparing economics of convention with the institutional logics approach." Journal of Management Inquiry, 23 (3): 324-327. Link
Kern, Thomas, 2014: "Die Umweltbewegung und der Wandel der institutionellen Logik auf dem Strommarkt." Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 43 (5): 322-340. Link
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Beckert, Jens und Lutter, Mark, 2012: "Why the Poor Play the Lottery: Sociological Approaches to Explaining Class-based Lottery Play." Sociology Link
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Beckert, Jens, 2007: "The Longue Durée of Inheritance Law. Discourses and Institutional Development in France, Germany, and the United States since 1800." Archives européennes de Sociologie. XLVIII, 1,79-120.
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